It’s Ok

“It`s OK” is Douglas OHI LLC, People Based Wellbeing Programme.

Borne of senior managements` commitment to further improving the organisations` culture, the programme puts people very much at its heart by:

  • Focusing on the human elements of HSE;
  • Recognising and acknowledging the good things people do; Involving, and engaging with, employees; Encouraging people to think “What If? not If Only and to see the value in safe behaviours and or interventions.
  • Feel free to contact our HSSE Department. for further details and or use our resources below.

People Focused Safety Training

It`s Ok, to talk about Safety, Health and Wellbeing.

The Douglas OHI People Focused Training Programme is a Behaviour-Based Safety Health and Wellbeing programme that breaks down the barriers to effective HSSE Communication at all levels of the organisation.

It differs from the run of the mill Behaviour Based Programmes that put the emphasis on the worker, the “It`s OK” programme sets out to improve the organisational culture within the workplace.

Learning is embedded into the workplace by the use of Constructive Intervention Diaries that are used to capture positive as well as negative Constructive Interventions.

Road Safety Campaign 1
Say Hell Wave Goodbye11

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye Plant Safety Awareness

Douglas OHI's Say Hello, Wave Goodbye Plant Safety Awareness Training course takes approximately one hour to deliver, and is aimed at raising hazard awareness amongst those who work in close proximity to operated plant. The course which is practical and hands on, is further supported by posters advocating a 3-step method when approaching moving plant, pocket size cards in both English and Hindi as well as information on specific items of plant found on projects. For more information please visit here.

Take Control of COVID-19

The Take Control of COVID-19 Awareness Campaign continues at all Douglas OHI sites. This involves rigorously following guidelines and recommendations from the Ministry of Health and World Health Organisation. Across all our sites we have implemented many measures to proactively reduce the risk of the virus spreading. These measures include ensuring we have the necessary stock of hand sanitisers, facemasks, strict social distancing procedures, regular enhanced cleaning regimes and monitoring the health of our all employees as they enter and exit work premises.


Feel free to contact our HSSE Department. for further details and or use our resources below.

It's OK

I Could Have Saved a Life Today

It's Ok, Thank You